Monday, February 8, 2010

Happy Heart Day

Valentines Day is this Sunday for those of you paying attention. It is another time to make crafts and cards for those whom we love. I saw the idea for the candy here.

My husband's Valentine Day card. He doesn't read my blog so I am safe sharing it with you. I like that it is sparkly. I used some stick on jewels things. I don't know what they are called but I like them.

Hope your week is good. Mine is a busy one.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Frugal February Hmmmm?

Anyone ever heard of Frugal February? I recently did. Here is a simple explaination.

Goal 1:Empty the pantry of all food especially stuff that has been there for awhile.
Goal 2:Live on less for the month. (example: no shopping except for real neccesities, no eating out, free entertainment, low heat)

I don't know that Iwill follow those goals but I am for spending less when I do spend money. I thought that using coupons are a great way to keep costs down. So where are we going to put those small pieces of paper, to keep them handy to use when you need them? I saw this at a Recycle Art class I teach with a friend. One of the girls found this in a magazine we were cutting up for a project. Thats the picture on the left with my coupon holder. As you can see by the picture on the right, it is simply made with six envelopes sealed and cut at 4". I glued them all together and made a cover.
Sweet huh? Have a great day and blessed weekend.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


This hat would look so much better on the top of the head of the person I gave it too but I don't have that photo. I had fun making this hat. It was on small needles. That seems to be my choice of projects. Tiny stitches and lots of them. This hat went pretty fast after I got it started. It starts at the top and is worked down. The yarn is very soft too. It is called Mini Mochi, 80% Merino wool, 20% Nylon. The pattern is called Springtime in Philidelphia. It is a free pattern and can be found here:

Was a fun project and I think a great gift.

Till the next time.